My Babyz

On this page you will find a picture of each of my babyz along with their names and a short description.  If you  would like to see more pictures please click here or on the picture link farther down the page.

what is hailey doing here?
This is Gwendolyn Marie called Gwen, she was the first baby I got because she came with the program.  She is a sweet little girl, although she is somewhat picky and will not eat anything but cookies and her bottle, she also eats the meat in gravy now, good girl.  




bzzzzzzz i'm a bee

This is Desmond Israel, called Desmond, he is the first boy I adopted.  He is really sweet. Desmond likes to get sick a lot, but he is always a happy baby, his other nickname is Pumpkin, since that is the only outfit he likes to wear.


This is Gabriel Joshua, called Gabriel, when I first adopted him I thought he was a girl and named him Willow.  He is a really sweet baby and loves to dance.  He is a real cutie.

This is Maya Anya, Called Maya.   She is a cute little baby.  She is a really sweet baby ad very smart she can already say a number of words and  she can crawl.  Maya is a really sweet baby and she seldom cries, she is also really cute.

This is Hailey Rebekah, called Hailey.  She is adorable and very sweet, she loves to have her picture taken.  She is a cute little girl and a fast learner, she can already say a few words.

This is Nadav Micah, called Nadav.  He is my newest baby.  I just couldn't resist adopting him when I saw his cute little face.  He is a really sweet baby and gets along with his siblings.  He also loves his panda and listening to music.

Click on the button below to see more picture of my babyz.