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est. November 1, 1999





Welcome to Purple Flowers Nursery. We are related to Purple Flowers Kennel so go visit them if you have petz and want to see a great site.  We are dedicated to bringing you news and information about Babyz.  I am Gwendolyn, but you can call me Gwen, and I get to host this site.  I have a new baby brother, Nadav.  I have 5 siblings (I know large family isn't it) 2 sisters and 3 brothers. Please visit the whole site, we worked very hard on it.  If you have any questions or comments fell free to e-mail us.  We have decided to hold pageants, and information is on the pageant page telling you what to do.  We have opened an excite community for the pageants please click here to go to it. The adoption center is also on the excite page, and since I have gotten a few questions about how to find it there, here is what you do; click on the pictures link on the excite page and you should see a folder titled adoptions, all the babyz up for adoption are listed there, hope that helps.  Also, feel free to post photos of your babyz and start discussions on the excite page.   Also this site was done with the font Kristen ITC if you do not have the font there are many free font pages on the web where you should be able to get it.  Enjoy the site.  Remember we also have two other sites up and running for you to visit. We operate The Clubhouse and Top to Little Bottomz Nursery, which are both great sites to visit.

Point of Information: If you send me an e-mail from AOL, there is a possibility that even if I reply you will not receive the e-mail, you may not get it because AOL e-mail accounts are strange and will not accept attachments or messages from certain e-mail providers.  I will try to send it to you twice but if it bounces both times I will not send it again. 


October 16th: Sorry about no recent updates but if you haven't figured out by now this site is basically closed.  I will leave it up for those that want the  name list and info in the FAQ etc. but it will not be updated anytime soon.
February 18th:Sorry for no recent updates :).  We will be moving to our new domain sometime between March 3rd and the 8th, hooray, so i am working on updating the site.  I will have site site completely revamped for then :).  Until then no new update because i have midterm for the next two weeks and no free time :).
January 31st:
Okay i now have my own domain name, it is however it is not yet active i need to put up my server first :).  However we will be moving to it within the next month or so.  I have updated hints and Tips, it has been split into various pages.  I also have added a few new names to the names list.  Pictures will be up within the next day or two from the sleepover.
January 25th:
Sorry about the lack of updates, but I've been busy with school, so don't expect updates more than twice a week now.  Sleepover page is updated, put up our new theme for Valentine Day.  Got a new award and it's up :). Fixed a few small things.  Will put up pictures of the sleepover later this week.  Hope everyone on the East coast enjoys the snow (or ice as in Atlanta where I live).
January 18th:
I hope everyone had a nice weekend and MLKjr day. I have added two new graphics sets to the graphics page.  If you haven't checked out my graphics yet go and visit there are lots of sets up for webpages.  I will be getting my own domain soon :), hopefully within the next month or so, so I won't have anymore popup adds.  Nothing else really updated. Maybe a bit more updated later tonight.  The hints and Tips page will be divided up in the next day or so since it has gotten so big.
January 14th:
Updated the sleepover page, it is open again.  I updated the service page, keep sending them in.  Remember to send in names I don't have on the names page.  Updated the tips page. That's all for now.
January 11th:
Well I found my office cd and am up and running again.  Nothing much updated.  I added my Picture to the page about me so if you want to see what I look like you can, I also put a picture of my engagement ring on there.
January 8th: 
Okay everyone, I am moving back to school this weekend and putting a new 20 gig hard drive in my computer.  Since I have to find my office 2000 cd again, I am not sure when I will next update.   Most likely I will not be able to update till at least Friday, due to classes starting and my computer being reinstalled with the big hard drive. I am not sure how often I will be able to check my e-mail either, so I may not be quite as quick responding this week.  Sleepover have been updated, small problems fixed. I still need Service sites to e-mail me so I can put you up on the page. That's all for today :).

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Last updated
Monday, October 16, 2000

This site was created by Sarah Rosenberg all images and information is copyrighted, please do not use without permission. Do not take my graphics or pictures without my permission.  Babyz is a product of Mindscape please visit the babyz website for more information.  Feel free to contact the webmaster for more information.

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Just a note:  asking for someone to send you their copy of Babyz (the game not a baby) or saying that if they send you a copy of babyz that you will trade with a copy of dogz4, catz4 etc. is illegal (not the asking part, but if they send it to you it is illegal), it is called piracy and you can be prosecuted for doing so, so please don't ask :).  Thanks a lot. (Sorry this really gets on my nerves and since it is my web page I can vent about it :) ).

just a rant: I want yarmulkes for my babyz, I really really do, I am not overly religious, but I think it would be nice to have them for when I want to dress my babyz up for Shabbat or a holiday,  I would also really like candles, but hat is okay, all I am really hoping is that actually releases a Hanukah Menorah before Hanukah is over, and they did so I'm impressed.

Copyright © 1999 Sarah Rosenberg